Saturday, February 25, 2023


RASKA (District) -  Studenica Monastery (WHS Unesco)

The Studenica Monastery, located in the Raška district of central Serbia, is the largest and richest of the Serbian Orthodox monasteries. It was founded near the Studenica River in the late 12th century by Stefan Nemanja, also known as Saint Simeon, who established the medieval Serbian state. His remains, as well as those of his wife Anastasia and the first Serbian king, Stephen the First Crowned, rest in this monastery.
It is a World Heritage Site declared by UNESCO since 1986.

Postage stamp of Serbia
Europa (C.E.P.T.) 2007 - Scouting
Europa (C.E.P.T.) 2013 - Postal vehicles

Thank you VLADIMIR


TORO (Zamora) - Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor Thank you JESUS